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BAKING: Wachtel GmbH & Co.

The company Wachtel GmbH & Co. manufactures STIR®-deck baking oven and rack ovens. Further oven manufacturers are in progress.

“As the application of the infrared technology STIR® has been limited for rack ovens with radiant heat, the company Wachtel managed it with the patented Compact K STIR® for the first time to combine the systems of convection heat and radiant heat in a rack oven. Thereby this oven provides all benefits that are already known from the deck ovens with STIR®, which means better product quality, longer lasting freshness and up to 30% shorter backing times.”

Source: DBZ magazine, edition 11, Nov. 2012, page 86


Baker with STIR® experience

Master Baker Ronny Nestler, Geising GERMANY: „I opened my bakery in Geising/Erzgebirge in December 2006 and decided for my new acquisition in favour of a STIR®-oven of the Pulsnitzer company Wachtel. With this oven I am baking, e. g. rye mixed bread in 45 instead of the conventional 60 minutes and for difficult cake types (e. g. egg custard cake, sour cream cake, poppy-seed cake, etc.) the baking time has halved. Due to this faster baking technology I could save the acquisition of a stove and also save energy costs, as I am able to switch off the oven rather soon.

“My clients do appreciate about STIR®-baked bread its two days longer freshness in comparison to conventional baked bread. But also with rolls and cakes the quality relating to freshness is considerably better.”

Source: DBZ magazine, edition 4, May 2007, page 34 ff

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